Program Design
Designed with a Purpose
We are not merely training young people to one day “get a job”—we are cultivating worthy loves within our students that reflect who they were created to be. St. Augustine said that God made us for himself and that our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Him. Excellent Christian education answers the restlessness and anxieties of our own age by reminding us of the purpose for which we were made—to love God and others—and by preparing and equipping us to live out our purpose in meaningful work and service. Our program is designed with Spiritual Formation as the foundation. This brings students to a deeper understanding of who God is and who they were created to be, cultivating a deep-seeded joy and sense of self-worth.
Growth through play-based learning and exploration in literacy-rich environments
Kindergarten & 1st – 4th Grade
Growth through flexible, differentiated learning tailored to students’ unique academic needs
Growth through enhanced focus on critical and creative thinking and presentation skills
Growth through new enrichment opportunities, academic competitions and increased independence
Growth through content mastery in Honors, AP and Dual Enrollment courses and electives that promote lifelong learning and career readiness
We Provide:
Opportunities to Excel
BRCS students are provided with opportunities to go beyond the classroom to include regional, state and national academic competitions. This challenges the students in areas of interest and provides academic growth. Some examples include Poetry Out Loud through the National Endowment for the Arts, Math Olympics, Spelling Bees, and Creative Writing contests. These areas of exploration promote success and are part of our Proven Academics.
Supporting student learning needs
The Resource Department provides support to students with identified learning needs. Faculty work with each resource student’s individual plan. Extra study halls for assistance with available teachers are often incorporated into student schedules. Technological enhancements such as talk to text may also be utilized.
Academic & Career Counseling
To help students stay on track toward their goals
The Guidance, College, and Career Counselor provides services that begin with class selection in freshman year and continues, via individual and group guidance, until students have completed the college application and acceptance process as seniors.
Vocation Education
Preparing students to enter the workforce
Vocational credits may be applied toward our high school graduation requirements. We recognize the value in learning and experiencing a trade to prepare students to enter the workforce after graduation.
National Honor Society
Recognizing success
Students earn membership to Junior National Honor Society in 8th Grade and National Honor Society in High School. Membership is earned through effective demonstration of four key qualities: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. A minimum G.P.A. of 3.5 is required.
Enrichment Classes
Enrichment classes begin in Preschool with Conversational Spanish, Library, and Music. Technology, PE and Art are added in elementary school. As the students progress through BRCS, students are able to select which subjects they would like to explore. These have included Architecture & Design, Mock Trial, Debate, Workplace Skills, Cooking, Lego Robotics, Fashion Design, Ecology, Weight Training and so much more.
Technology & Learning
BRCS makes use of Google Apps for Education, which provides online word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications.
- 3rd-5th: Students receive instruction in keyboarding, proper use of online resources, and presentation software. Computer projects are integrated into the core curriculum and help the students reflect on what they are learning in other subjects.
- 6th-8th Grade: Students work to improve their keyboarding while also learning to use spreadsheets, drawing applications, online databases, and tackling design challenges. The middle school technology elective covers video editing and 3D printing.
- 9th-12th Grade: Electives incorporate keyboarding, web design, online research, 3D printing, and graphic design, and well as the ethical issues of copyright and communication.
- Student accounts are restricted from communicating outside of the school community until the high school level, and website filtering is in place on each campus.
A biblical ethic is emphasized for all online communication, research and presentation across all grades.
Standardized Testing
BRCS does not participate in SOLs. However, we do participate in annual Iowa assessments. These assessments do not reflect on the individual student but ensure we are providing the highest quality academics as an aggregate. The assessments are used as a tool for curriculum improvements. BRCS consistently exceeds State and National averages. Visit the College and Career Counseling page to learn more about SATs.