We are

in service.
Serving others is an important Christian virtue with Christ as the ultimate example.
Our program is designed to bring students to a deeper understanding of God and who they are created to be through serving others and reflecting on what Christ has done for them. BRCS students, Preschool-12th grade, are faithful in service, both locally and globally. We are all called to serve and extend love to one another, just as Christ does for each of us. It is for this reason that at commencement, BRCS graduates receive both a diploma to recognize their academic achievements and an embroidered keepsake hand towel. This is a reminder of Christ’s service to his disciples through the washing of their feet and that graduates are now called to go and do likewise.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Race. Serve. Give.: Race. Serve. Give. is an annual school-wide event focusing on giving back to our community! Students and staff serve at nearly 30 different locations in our area. As they plant flowers, wash fire trucks, sort donations at local food banks or visit our elderly neighbors, they learn to share the love of Christ.
Heart and S.O.U.L.: Our Heart and S.O.U.L. program gives high school students an understanding of the Heart of God by being a part of His greater kingdom through Service, Outreach, Uplift, and Love. We learn from Christ’s example and through His teaching that a walk with Christ must include compassionate outreach to others, especially to those who are less fortunate. Students accumulate Heart and S.O.U.L. service hours and reflect on their experiences in their Bible classes.
Stewardship: High School students complete weekly in-school service projects alongside their fellow House members. These regular service opportunities promote stewardship of our campus and provide greater student accountability.
Missions Month- Each November, our school partners with a local non-profit for a clothing/supply drive, and our students bring in donations to support the cause. Examples might include a food drive for the food bank, supply drive for the homeless shelter, or toys for foster children in our community.

Samaritan’s Purse: BRCS supports Operation Christmas Child, a global ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. All students pack Christmas shoeboxes for children in need. Our 8th graders also serve at the Processing Center to prepare shoebox shipments for global distribution. In 2023, our school contributed nearly 500 shoeboxes to the program, ensuring nearly 500 children around the world will hear of Christ’s love.
Missions: Our Spanish program culminates in a cross-cultural mission trip to a Central or South American country. High school students, teachers and parents serve in Spanish-speaking communities alongside local ministry organizations. The BRCS team has traveled to Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Ecuador.