“O Come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation.”
– Psalm 95:1
The mission of the BRCS music department is to provide a Christ-centered, sequential curriculum that enables students to discover, develop, and demonstrate their God-given talents so they will seek excellence in worship and have a lifelong appreciation for music. All students are part of the music department through 8th grade. Optional music electives are offered in high school.
Music Exploration
Music Exploration teaches that God is a God of order- what He creates works well and with purpose and God gives us talents to share with others. At BRCS, students are encouraged to, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (Ps. 100) and explore how worship is displayed through music. Students use these early years to explore and grow in understanding of pitch, rhythm, musical history and instrumental playing. Building a strong musical foundation at BRCS is important for future ensemble excellence. Students perform in Christmas and Spring concerts and at special events throughout the year such as Grandparent’s Day and Pastor Appreciation Day.
Concert Choir
(4th – 8th)
Concert Choir teaches that God gives us the ability to apply the skills we learn to our craft. We must continually undergo training to refine our talents. Students learn proper performance etiquette and techniques and strengthen vocal independence, agility, and range by singing appropriate vocal exercises. Students also sing an assigned vocal part in simple harmony alone or in ensemble. Beginning in 6th grade, in addition to Christmas and Spring concerts, students participate in the ACSI Music Festival evaluation and the Kings Dominion Music Festival evaluation.
(9th – 12th)
Ensemble teaches that music is a gift from God and should be considered part of His Creation. This aspect of Creation is examined further as the students rehearse and perform choral music from a variety of eras, genres, and cultures. Ultimately, students receive a diverse and comprehensive experience in choral/vocal music performance, history, theory, and music literacy. Students participate in the Christmas and Spring concerts, ACSI Music Festival evaluation and the Busch Gardens Music Festival evaluation. They also perform at other school functions and celebrations. Students may also audition for All District Choir.
Music History
Music history examines a sampling of music throughout history as the product of people, their lives, and communities. This class studies the entire spectrum of music history, with an emphasis on American popular music of the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition, students learn about music of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras. Music History class enables students to analyze, describe and evaluate music in relation to history and culture.
Concerts & Competitions
- December: Christmas Concert
- March: ACSI Choral Festival
- May: Spring Concert
- Late May/Early June: Kings Dominion or Busch Gardens competition
Worship Team
Worship Team is student-led. Scripture tells us that we were made for worship and that God desires our worship. It is through worship that we meet with God and praise Him. Middle School students have a Worship Team Club which meets once a week. High School Worship Team students lead weekly chapels, special worship nights, and special school events. They will often practice before school. Students complete an application if they are interested in participating in the High School Worship Team.
Private Piano Lessons
Private piano lessons are built into the school day. Piano students receive lessons for 30 min each week. Additional home practices are required. Piano students may be selected for special programs and concerts. There is an extra cost for lessons.
Awards & Recognitions
Virginia District V Choir
- 2023 (First year participating): Rachel Adams, Madeleine Munday, Zayn Wood, Jack Richardson, and George Richardson
Kings Dominion Choral Festival (4th-8th)
- Superior: 2015, 2016, 2017,2018, 2019, 2022
- Won 1st place among all choirs: 2019, 2022
- Excellent: 2023, 2024
Busch Gardens Choral Festival (9th-12th)
- 1st place and a Superior: 2022, 2023, 2024
ACSI Music Festival Awards
*2016- 1st year for High School participation. ACSI Music Festival has not resumed since COVID in 2020.
- Superior Elementary and Middle School: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Superior Elementary and Middle School Soloists: 2017- Andrew Wildermuth, 2019- Gracie Kirkland
- Superior High School: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Superior High School Soloist: 2016- Ginny Ridder
National School Choral Award
- 2018 – Hannah Hilliard and Aaron Blackwell
Jack Richardson Award for Musical Excellence
- 2024 – Gracie Kirkland and Kahlyn Smith
- 2023 – Sydney Whetzel and Emy Yoder
- 2022 – Emily Ridder and Ashley Warner
- 2021– Ethan Golin
- 2020 – Ethan Conrow