Educational Philosophy
A primary function of education is to teach Truth.
For the Christian, all of truth is revealed in the Word of God. God’s Word is the ultimate Truth. It cannot be separated into “secular” truth and “spiritual” truth. Truth is not only propositional in nature (i.e., a collection of facts), it is also experiential or personal (as in the development of a personal relationship with The Word — The Truth — The Lord Jesus Christ; or as in the observation and documentation of natural phenomena). Christian education is the process whereby the student is taught to learn to observe things from God’s perspective and to conduct his life in a manner which is consistent with God’s revealed truth (Psalms 25:5; Proverbs 16:13, 23:23; John 1:14 & 17; 14:6; II Timothy 2:15). The School is committed to academic excellence in helping students to develop their abilities to learn and discover truth, which can only be properly understood in the context of God’s Word and in the example of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Holy Bible clearly teaches that parents bear ultimate responsibility for the education, training, and rearing of their children. The School functions as an extension of the Christian home by reinforcing Christian values (including standards of behavior, morality, and discipline), and by providing specialized instruction in academic and life-skill disciplines. Because of the interdependent nature of the home’s and the School’s educative functions and roles, it is essential that a spirit of cooperation and mutual support be developed and fostered between home and school (Deuteronomy 6:7; Psalms 78:4-6; Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 22:6).
The School extends the work of the local church by providing an environment and an opportunity for every student to make a personal commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and to grow in spiritual maturity. It is an arm of the church in that it strengthens the church through its program of evangelism, Bible teaching, character development, Christian citizenship, emphasis on local and world missions, and leadership skills. In this context, the School recognizes an obligation to establish and maintain communication with local pastors, in particular the pastors of enrolled students, and to encourage their participation in the work and ministry of the School.
In partnership with the students’ homes and church congregations, the School is committed to encourage and enable its students to become more informed, skilled, and compassionate disciples within the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because God’s Kingdom encompasses all Christian youth, the School is committed to the development of a curricular program which will meet the educational and spiritual needs of a wide variety of abilities and vocational goals. Additionally, the School is committed to identifying ways and means through which this educational experience can be made available to students regardless of their economic or cultural backgrounds.
Because the School believes that each student is naturally made in the image of God, and each born-again student is spiritually gifted for service by the Holy Spirit, special emphasis is placed on the development of each student’s mind, body, intellect, talents, and other God-given gifts. This commitment to the effective, lifetime use of each student’s (and each staff member’s) gifts finds its fulfillment as each one takes his place as a contributing member of the Body of Christ in particular, and of society in general.