7th – 8th Grade
Excellence in a God-Honoring Environment
Middle School at Blue Ridge Christian School offers excellence in the classroom within a God-honoring environment.
- Students work in an environment of trust where they are challenged academically and spiritually and prepared for the transition to high school.
- Students grow in their understanding of the Bible and Christian principles through apologetics, classroom discussion, Bible class, chapels, and biblical worldview immersion that is applicable to every aspect of their lives.
- In addition to core academic courses, the students grow in Spanish, Technology, Music, PE and are able to select additional electives based on their interests.
- Key enrichment events include the Science Fair, Math Olympics, Samaritan’s Purse service trip, Middle School retreat and the 8th grade class trip to Virginia Beach.
- Our key pillars of Leadership, Service, and Community are woven into all aspects of the BRCS Experience.

Students learn Conversational Spanish through 8th grade. They build their vocabulary through stories, music, drama, and memory work, while learning how to read, hear, and speak Spanish.

Students work to develop keyboarding skills and gain an understanding of the Google Applications for Education, with creative projects that incorporate documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Academic Competitions
As an ACSI member school, we offer students multiple opportunities to excel in their area of gifting, at the district, regional, and national level. Students may participate in Spelling Bees, Geography Bees, Math Olympics, Creative Writing & Poetry competitions, and Music Festivals.

Clubs are a great way to explore new talents and interests during the school day. Students choose their clubs based on their interests. Options may include Worship Team, Drama, Sports, Legos, Chess and small group Bible study.

There are many components of the school day and overall structure of the Upper School to encourage healthy relationships and a strong community. The House System is one example of the intentionality and care with which these relationships are nurtured.

Honor Society
Eighth grade students who have maintained a 94% cumulative grade average in their core subjects through their middle school years are nominated to join National Junior Honor Society.