We are grateful for your interest in high school at BRCS. Please contact Upper School Principal Eric Codding, or Guidance Counselor Mary Beth Anderson with any questions about our program, and also read our Statement of Faith, along with our Graduation Requirements.

College Counseling

Academic and college counseling services are provided beginning with class selection for the freshman year and continue, via individual and group guidance, until the student has completed the college application and acceptance process as a senior. To help students stay on track toward their goals, information on required testing and course work is regularly provided.


In monthly symposiums, guest speakers share about their lives and professional careers, with an emphasis on living out their faith. Symposium speakers also include college representatives.

Advanced Placement

Advanced placement (AP) courses are offered based on student interest and enrollment. AP English is currently offered.

High School Retreat

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment courses are offered based on student interest and enrollment. US History 221 and 222 were offered in the 2016-2017 school year.  MTH 173: Calculus with Analytic Geometry were available for the 2017-18 school year.


Technology is integrated throughout our program. BRCS makes use of Google Apps for Education, which provides online word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation applications, and all high school students use Chromebooks. Internet filtering is in place on each campus, and a biblical ethic is emphasized for all online communication and research.

Resource Department

The faculty work with each resource student’s individual plan. If the student qualifies for services through Rockingham County, a tutor is provided. An extra study hall for assistance from with an available teacher is often incorporated into student schedules, and technological enhancements such as talk to text can be utilized.

Vocational Training

Blue Ridge Christian School accepts credits from vocational centers toward our high school graduation requirements. We recognize the value in learning and experiencing a trade to prepare students to enter the workforce after graduation.