5th-6th Grades

Challenged and Prepared

5th-6th grades at BRCS offer excellence in the classroom with a God-honoring environment. The students are challenged academically and prepared for the transition to middle school.

    • Students learn and apply Christian principles through problem solving, and gain an understanding of a Biblical worldview that is applicable to their lives.

    • In addition to core academic courses, students participate in Bible, Spanish, Technology, Music, Art, P.E., and Library. Key enrichment events include the Science Fair, History Fair, and field trips.


BRCS uses Google Apps for Education, Chromebooks, and iPads in classrooms. Technology classes equip students with an overview of the responsible use of information and safe and effective online searching. Students gain skills with presentation software, desktop publishing, and keyboarding applications. Computer projects are integrated into the core curriculum and help students reflect on what they are learning in other subjects.

Academic Competitions

As an ACSI member school, we offer students multiple opportunities to excel in their area of gifting, at the district, regional, and national level. Students may participate in Spelling Bees, Math Olympics, and Creative Writing and Music Festivals.


The Resource Department provides academic support to students with identified learning needs. Program options may include in-class assistance, individual tutoring, and direct instruction in core subjects.

Leadership Development

We cultivate leaders who can be world-changers for Christ. Middle schoolers come to the Lower School to serve as Peer Tutors to younger students, offering extra homework help, support with organizational skills, words of encouragement, and mentoring.















